Team Garcy
Flynn Friday

Garcia Flynn // Lucy Preston // Smitten Kitten // Titanic // Letter // Flynn Friday
Summer of Garcy // Garcy Weekend // Garcy Week // Garcy October // Garcy Holidays // Garcy Shipmas
AI Garcy Videos

Flynn Friday was officially recognized by the official NBCTimeless Twitter account on 2 March 2018 (and by Goran Višnjić on the 14 September 2018), but it had been going on for awhile in the Timeless fandom before then. Basically every Friday is a celebration of our favorite character, Garcia Flynn.

Fans of Garcia Flynn celebrate Flynn Fridays on various social media outlets using the hashtags #FlynnFriday #GarciaFlynn #GoranVišnjić, #Garcy, and #Timeless.


Fans share their favorite images, gifs, and quotes of Garcia Flynn. It's not uncommon for the Garcy Family to get involved in our silly Flurtleneck vs. Fluits "ship war" either *ahem* Flereal (or Flurterealneck) - it's all fun and games, don't worry it's not really a "war."

Team Garcy is a Timeless fansite with a focus on the relationship between Garcia Flynn and Lucy Preston portrayed by Goran Višnjić and Abigail Spencer. This site serves as a one-stop hub for HD Timeless screen captures, promotional images, episode transcripts as well as information about the series and the Garcy relationship.

[ 1 million views - 2 September 2020 ]

Established:        14 July 2018
Maintained by:    BattleshipGarcy
Donate at:           GTX Public Pay


© Team Garcy 2018-2024 // Team Garcy is a fansite and is not affiliated with NBC Entertainment, Sony Pictures Television, Goran Višnjić, Abigail Spencer, or anyone else associated with Timeless, or any of their representatives. All content published here is the property of the authors who hold the respective copyrights. Absolutely no infringement intended. Photos, articles, etc. are published only for informational purposes. Read the full Disclaimer and Terms of Use on this page.